
Direktlänk till inlägg 15 februari 2014

Today, it'll be in English.

Av Sessi - 15 februari 2014 23:12

Lately I've been so into talking English with myself, that every single time that I try to form a sentence in my head, it just magically appears in English, so this time I'll make a post in English. So just deal with it.

These past days have contained a lot of thinking and almost everyone that knows me has asked 'what's wrong?' and as the coward that I am, I've just told them that it's nothing. I thought I had everything in my life under control, but apparently not. One thing happens and I spend almost all day thinking about it, trying to 'solve' the 'problem'. And the funny part is that there's actually not a real problem. It's more like a life crisis or something. I might've gotten to a solution to my 'problem', but that only gives me another 'problem'. Maybe I'll just sit down and think about it a bit more? Or sleep, it's 1.35 AM and I'm getting a bit tired. Maybe.



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Robert Ekström

16 februari 2014 17:37

English is a fun language indeed :),
But hey, what is this problem you speak of? Anything I might be of assistance with?


16 februari 2014 18:01

The problem isn't anything major, just a simple problem with no solution. But I think I might have a solution, so it's somewhat under control, but thank you :)

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Robert Ekström

16 februari 2014 18:21

Okay, good to see that it is at least somewhat under control :)
Would have been worse if it would have been somewhat out of control.


16 februari 2014 18:38

I don't even want to think about the situation if it would've been somewhat out of control! That would've probably ended with me going out with my shovel... :)

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Robert Ekström

16 februari 2014 18:44

How did you find a shovel? :O


16 februari 2014 18:48

It's underneath my house! :D But don't be afraid, it's already dark outside so I'll be sitting quite happily inside without the shovel. Till tomorrow that is :)

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Robert Ekström

16 februari 2014 18:52

Well I better steal the shovel before tomorrow then :D


16 februari 2014 18:57

Don't you dare! How shall I explain the theft to my family? 'Some took the shovel so that I wouldn't be able to dig a hole for myself'? Sounds quite promising :)

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Robert Ekström

16 februari 2014 18:58

Yeah that sounds like a great explanation :)

    Kom ihåg mig



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